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Flor de Esgueva

Flor de Esgueva 
Mature, Wheel 3 kg
Flor de Esgueva Viejo is a cheese made of raw sheep's milk and matured for a minimum of 7 months. The cheese maker masters have been making the cheese with dedication, wisdom, and care in a traditional manner for five generations. At the different maturation stages, the cheese maker masters brush the cheeses with a humid cloth, and after that they lightly cover them with oil and turn them upside down by hand, one by one, until each cheese reaches its optimum point of maturation.

This ritual continues today in our company.

The ideal way of serving it is cutting the cheese into small, identical wedges, and serve them accompanied by bite-sized pieces of bread or dried fruits.

Lactalis Forlasa, S.L.U.
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